Tuesday, November 9, 2010

"Lets Have Some Mediocre Sex So I Can Get Over You."

To Live and Die For Books!

Weeeeeee... I wrote a book!

Friday, November 5, 2010

To Live and Die For...

10 Things I'd Like You To Know

1. If your arm happens to get stuck under a boulder, be a badass and cut your arm off to free yourself.

2. M is for Move that bolder.

3. If you pass out while watching 127 Hours, you're a pussy. And if you're dumb enough to forget to breathe while watching this movie and that's why you passed out... You deserve to pass out

4. Learning how to trust again takes time and effort on your part.

5. Sequins make everything better.

6. Always smile at the fat chick at the gym, show her a glimpse of praise for actually being there and trying not to be so fat.

7. Vodka solves most problems.

8. Waking up after using vodka to solve your problems usually is a problem in its self.

9. My dad is cooler than yours.

10. If you’ve never seen Young Frankenstein, do yourself a favor and watch it.

Monday, November 1, 2010

To Live and Die For Halloween Costumes!

Three different nights of parties meant three awesome costumes!
Night 1
Night 2
Night 3